The first things that caught my eye at the accommodation in Kinloss were the lupins. Majestical and noble, they were standing
guard at the entrance of the path up to the house. Although their spines looked
very straight, they were far from stiff, with their delicate, pea-like flowers
growing in dense whorls around a tall spike in a soft apricot abundance.
‘Welcome!’ they waved to me as I entered further, and was pleasantly distracted
by a group of bright red Papaver
orientalis surrounded by at least five different colours of aquilegias. “This
looks good!” I exclaimed. “I like this little garden.”
The owner of this temporary home, at the
moment in Canada until mid July, immediately recognised the herbaceous perennial plant on the
photo I sent. Last year his woman friend had taken some of its seeds — which
come in a pod as fruit— to sow in her own Canadian garden. Two gardens, two
people on different sides of the earth, connected by lupins and love. Most
likely they grow very well there.
There are many species of the Lupinus albus and perennis, and they grow
everywhere in Europe. For thousands of years they have been found around the
Mediterranean, as well as in North and South America, where, it has been
discovered, especially in the Andes, the legume seeds or beans have been grown
for food for 6000 years. From my agricultural years in the Netherlands, I
remember that farmers grow them as green manure, to nourish the soil. A meadow
full of these yellowish flowers looks astonishing. Nowadays the lupin bean is
increasingly popular as food again, as a healthier alternative to soya beans. Full
of protein. An antioxidant and a prebiotic. And gluten free!
I would start to grow them in my veggie
patch right away. Lupins. And more lupins. Partly to nourish and heal the body,
partly as an ornamental flower to heal my heart and to brighten my days.
Now bring me that garden! As that is still
missing. With a house, my long-term home to be. Yes, please!
© Blog 46, photo and text 9th June 2016,
Kinloss. © Adriana Bijman
This is a
shortened version, the whole version will be in the upcoming book!
Hope you took some seeds!! And I will visualise you a beautiful garden, with lupins of many colours growing tall and strong..attached to a ground floor home that you are loving living in,,and is yours for as long as you want...