I have moved house this week. To a wonderful apartment with a fabulous view. Culbin Sands Apartments still carries in its attics and cellars the pain of the past, as Culbin Sands Hotel, from which it was told it was haunted, and much earlier, when the Viking warriors stepped on land here and the soil soaked the blood baths. So much healing is needed, as well as joyful energy. I'm doing my best. Let me tell you:
This apartment — rejuvenated — wants to be celebrated
While the smell of paint and varnish has hardly vanished
While many boxes full of life and release still wait to be opened and
The walls still bare
Before my images fingerprint them
But the summer solstice sun and the full moon do call for it now
While the blooming gorse reflects on the walls
While endless skies and seas invite themselves in, to be discovered by
experienced eyes still so curious.
So I give thanks to all involved
And let us bless this place with Joy and Healing
To be my new Home
Summer Solstice 20 June 2013