The Delta is immense. Early mornings the gentle sound of the water called me and I took some long walks, starting along the river Esperita. I walked and walked, turning left, right, along the water, into the forest. The delta is immense. I got lost amongst the many wooden piers at the waterfront. I got drunk between the fragrance of unknown colourful flowers, ripe falling juicy oranges and enchanting high bamboos. I walked and walked.
Was I maybe following the footsteps on this path of the native Guarany Indians who lived here; long long before the Spanish explorers came to this area to settle, take, and kill the Indians. Or were they attacked by the Yaguareté, the american jaguar or ‘tigre’, that lived in the delta and was hunted by the indian for their skin and fat; but which also hunted them? The ‘tigre’ is not extinct yet….
And then, as I walked my way between the lands, crossing stream after stream via the dangerously swaying bridging woods, I only could surrender, to become part of everything around me.
And then … then I was walking on water.
The Tigre Delta at the river Paraná near Buenos Aires in Argentina has been declared ‘Biosphere natural reserve’ by Unesco. A photo-installation about the walks has been exhibited in The Blue Angel, Universal Hall at Findhorn from 12 February until 12 March 2011